COVID-19 and YourTradebase

18 March 2020

During these uncertain and anxious times, our first priority is for the well-being of our team, their loved ones, and our customers.

I wanted to share a few words about how we work, and our plans for dealing with this tough situation we all find ourselves in.

We’re fortunate to be a fully remote team, with the majority of team members already working full-time from home long before Coronavirus appeared. We’re well-practiced in working together remotely, and will be continuing to support our customers as ever.

We’ll be delivering the same fast and friendly support you’re used to during this period, whilst still working to keep YourTradebase fully operational and improve the speed and benefits we offer.

Our thoughts are with you, our customers, during these fast-changing and difficult times. We truly hope you’re able to continue your work as safely as is possible.

Please take care, and look out for loved ones and those close to us.

Best wishes,

Adam Austin

Managing Director – YourTradebase

By Adam Austin

Co-founder of YourTradebase. One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love.

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